Manifest Your Destiny

shawn paarmann
2 min readSep 14, 2020

We all want validation. But would you rather get it authentically or in vain?

It’s so easy to say you’ll do something or say that you are something, but nothing good is ever given–it’s earned.

So what does it take to achieve what you’re seeking? Time and energy.

When it comes to putting the work into something, most people won’t follow through or even start at all. As the saying goes,

“Wish in one hand, shit in the other–see which gets filled first.”

Once you start committing to practice and effort, I think the rest goes unsaid…

The real awakening is when you least expect it. It’s when you’re so deep in your craft that you’re caught off-guard by the acknowledgment from someone. It’s when you’re told you’re the very thing that you once hoped to be. That’s when you know.

Forget all of the highs you ride when you think you’ve done great work or the moments of imposter syndrome when you face something new… Forget the pats on the back or the fist-bumps or wide smiles…

You’ll know you’ve manifested a part of your destiny when–in an unrelated moment–you’re recognized by someone in the most genuine of ways.

I say ‘a part of your destiny’ because there’s no stopping to where you can go and what you can reach.

The point is to take in the rare instances that you’re validated for being someone you set out to be months or years ago.

